My mother always grew Marigolds. Each year they would re-seed to produce an even more glorious show the following year. When I was home last Fall I took some photos of one patch that was especially intriguing. A prickly cactus growing behind the marigolds made a very striking display. I decided to use one photo as source material for painting this week.
The first trial painting was done with an initial wash of acrylic inks. It was fun to work with this new (to me) medium, although the color was more intense and vibrant than what I have used in the past. But after living with it in the Family Room for 24 hrs, I decided it held up well in a variety of light conditions. By "held up well", I mean that the composition did not get lost when viewed from a distance.
Then I wondered what the subject would look like in a more Impressionistic style.
My first attempt at this style did not "hold up well" in the Family Room test. Those cactus were just too pale to show up. So I reworked it a bit.
I like this much better, although I see some things I would still change. But that is it for now.
Working with Mixed Media has made me tend to get too close to my work. It really makes a difference if you step back once in awhile to view it from a distance. Maybe I just need to tape my brushes to a yard stick. I took a painting class once from an instructor who would actually do that to students who tended to "choke up" on their brushes. Hm...wonder what it would look like if I actually did that...
Not today...I'm done.
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